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Heather Leembruggen

Heather Leembruggen

IAA Australia Chair & Global Vice President Elections
Director IAA World Board of International Advertising Association

Heather Leembruggen is the Chair of IAA Australia and has been actively involved with the International Advertising Association (IAA) since 1976 locally and globally. A director of IAA Australia Chapter since 1978, and an IAA World Board director since 1984 she has served in IAA global positions of IAA World Treasurer, VP Elections, VP IAA Awards, VP for IAA World Congresses in Beijing, Dubai and Beirut, and VP Young Professionals worldwide. An advocate for fostering education and career development in marketing communications, she has conducted IAA youth scholarships, programs and awards in Australia and globally since 1983.

She was awarded the IAA Medal for Merit in 1990, received the IAA Samir Fares Award in 1994, The IAA Champion Award in 2013 and was presented with an IAA Honorary Life Membership, as tributes to her achievements and outstanding service in advancing the objectives of the IAA globally.

Her career experience in the marketing communications industry includes senior management roles with Leo Burnett, as Co-founder and Vice Chair of Advertising Partners Australia and MD of Communications Plus. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree (Melbourne University).

In recognition of Heather Leembruggen’s contribution to the communications industry she was honoured in 2003 to proudly receive the Australian Centenary Medal: “For service to Australian Society in business leadership”.